Sunday, May 9, 2010

Know ye now, Bulkington?

Nearing in on three years ago I set about re-reading Moby Dick. I was freshly moved off of my sailboat, and into a cottage off of Beach Drive. I have great memories of this time because it was then that I was really falling in love with St. Pete.

The book was an epic influence in my life and I loved every bit of it, which is significant because there are entire chapters that read more like a dictionary than any sort of prose. Check out Chapter 32. "Cetology".

Yesterday I re-visited the book again in search of some sort of "Deep" nautical inspiration for a band name (surely no one has ever thought to try this). The search for a righteous band name was unfruitful but I did find other things of use. Words.

I flipped through most of the chapters but I kept coming back to Chapter 23. "The Lee Shore". I read it six times; it is now one of my favorite chapters of any book. I wouldn’t do it justice trying to explain the allusions so I won’t. The majesty of the chapter is found within the context of the entire novel, but it is worth looking at, even by itself.

The photo is one I took of a sperm whale weather vane a few months ago. I spotted it while pedaling down Sixth Avenue on my way to school. Most days when I pass it I look up and it takes me right back.
I love St. Petersburg